JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Massive regional officials in the simultaneous regional elections this time were found in several regions in favor of certain candidates. Responding to the incident which was considered that democracy in this country was dead. PDIP politician Deddy Sitorus said that the quick count results could undermine the morale of voters because they could not maintain the real results. "That the results of this election are certainly not determined by the quick count but by the tiered count," said Deddy, Wednesday (11/27/2024). In this case, Maruarar Sirait and Deddy Sitorus mutually denied the level of public trust in the Prabowo-Gibran government. Producer: Leiza Sixmansyah Thumbnail: Firmansyah #pilkada2024 #quickcount #litbangkompas #pilkadaserentak #pilkada