Millions of salutations on the life of Mostafa. Voice and presentation: Najeebur Rehman Naz Peace be upon the Prophet with assurance Peace be upon Reza Imam of Ahl-e-Sunnah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qadri Barelvi Mustafa Millions of peace on the soul of mercy Millions of peace on the candle of guidance Millions of salutations on the crown of the Haram Nubahar of intercession. Millions of salutations on the bridegroom of the Night of Isra. Millions of salutations on the eternal drink of paradise. There is a floor under which the naked, millions of salutations on his mighty state. Millions of salutations from me on the wealth of the poor. Millions of salutations from me on the power of the helpless. Millions of salutations to the ears of those who listen, whose forehead is credited with intercession. Millions of salutations on the shame and modesty of the low eyes. Millions of salutations on the loftiness of the high nose. Millions of salutations on that shining complexion. Thin thin petals of the holy flower. Millions of salutations on the delicacy of those lips. The burning of which every word is a revelation. Millions of salutations to God, the source of knowledge and wisdom, the language that everyone calls the key, millions of salutations to his effective government, from whose lips we laughed while crying, millions of salutations to the habit of smiling. Millions of salutations to the fountains of light, let the rivers flow, millions of salutations to the dignity of the fingers, where milk and barley bread are the food, millions of salutations to the contentment of that stomach, millions of salutations to the happy hour at which the moon of Tayyaba shines, millions of salutations to that heart-warming hour, upon the first prostration, blessings from the eternal day. Millions of Salam Allah on the memory of the Ummah, that childhood memory! Millions of salutations upon that God-fearing form, Suhaf Ghancha, O Quds, upon the people of the House of Prophethood. Millions of salutations on that veil of Nazahat. Millions of salutations on the relief of the life of Sayeda Zahira Tayyaba Tahira Ahmad. Millions of salutations on the relief of the soul of the Muslims who saw her at a glance. Millions of salutations upon Tahor Zain, the people of worship, and as many as there are princes. Millions of salutations upon the bearers of the Shariat, Ghous-e-Azam, Imam al-Taqqa and Naqi, the glory of power. Millions of salutations on the dignity of the step, I do not have a claim in mercy. Millions of salutations on the whole nation of the king. I wish I was in Mahshar when they come and send them all. Millions of salutations on their glory. Say yes! Millions of salutations on Raza Mustafa’s soul #NajeebNaz #سلامِ_رضا #سلام_رضا #عليٰحزرت #Barelwi #Bareli #Imam_Ahmad_Reza #Salaam #Nasheed #Mould_ul-Nabi #Miladaul-Nabi #Milad_Sharif #Naat #Naat_Sharif #Yarsol_Allah #Milad #Salam_e_Raza #Alahazrat #ImamAhmadRazaKhan #NaatSharif #MadinaSharif # NaatShareef #Naat #MiladSharif #Mawlid #SalameRaza #SalameReza #Salam_e_Reza #SalameAlahazrat #KalameAlahazrat #Kalam_e_Alahazrat #Nasheed #ImamAhmadRazaKhanBarelwi #Barelwi #Ahmad_Raza_Khan_Qadri #Imam_Ahmad_Raza_Khan #MustafaJaneRahmatPehLakhoonSalam #MustafaJaane Rehmat #MustafaJaneRehmat #MustafaJaneRahmat #MustafaJaneRehmat #MustafaJan_e_Rehmat #MustafaJan_e_Rahmat Mustafa Jane Rehmat Mustafa Jane Rahmat Mustafa Jan e Rehmat Mustafa Jan e Rahmat Mustafa Jan-e-Rahmat Mustafa Jan-e-Rehmat Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri Barelwi Najeeb ur Rehman Naz Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan's famous salam with tazmeen.