When the book "Tätt itill dagarna" was published in 2006, it received a lot of attention. It was the journalist and author Mustafa Can who wrote it in a close and poignant way about his mother and her last days in life. But also about his Kurdish origins and his family's journey from the small village in Turkey to modern welfare Sweden. Since the book came out, a lot has happened in Swedish society. And the theme of coming to another country and another culture is perhaps more relevant than ever, with the huge refugee flows that we are now seeing from Ukraine. Now the book is being republished and Mustafa Can is visiting Malou's book club. Malou after ten in TV4 from 2022-03-09: In Malou after ten, long interviews, strong stories, curious questions and engaging discussions are offered. It will be politics, medicine, health and culture in a mind-boggling mix. Watch full episodes and all clips on TV4 Play http://tv4play.se/program/malou-efter... Follow Malou after ten on YouTube: http://youtube.com/malouefertio?sub_... Facebook: / malouefertio Twitter: / maloueftertio Instagram: / maloueftertio Malou efter tio is a Swedish talkshow on TV4 with host Malou von Sivers.