Hello everyone, My name is Herman. I am the same dancer of the Latin American Ballroom program Hello everyone, My name is Herman. I am the same dancer of the Latin American Ballroom program as you. All my conscious age I have been studying Latin. Classes with teachers, studying dance literature and communicating with native dancers - all this is what formed a certain vision of dance in me, which I want to share with you. My Video Blog is dedicated to the analysis of Stylistic subtleties in the Latin American Ballroom program. The first releases are devoted to explaining the terminology, which in subsequent lessons will help to understand how a dance figure should actually look. I think it will be interesting Time codes 00:00 Basic concepts My Book about Posture: https://ridero.ru/books/pravilnaya_os... Telegram Channel - https://t.me/balnayalatina Yandex Zen about Latin - https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5e7f665be76e... Tik Tok Channel - https://vm.tiktok.com/GCJjt5/ Vkontakte Group - https://vk.com/balnayalatina My Instagram - / fedorov_german Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/98296... Twitter - https://twitter.com/g5yrANfS7YsAsk4?s=09 My Book about Posture: https://ridero.ru/books/pravilnaya_os...