Multiplication with natural numbers - Complete lesson ✅In this video you will learn MULTIPLICATION with natural numbers. MULTIPLICATION is one of the four fundamental operations, which can be used with the ideas of addition of equal parcels, proportionality, rectangular formation or combination. In addition to these ideas, during the lesson I show the properties of multiplication: commutative: the order of the factors does not change the product, for example 4x3 = 3x4 = 12. Neutral element of multiplication: the neutral element of multiplication is 1, for example 3x1 = 1x3 = 3. Associative property of multiplication: associating the factors in different ways does not change the product, for example (4.6).9 = 4.(6.9). Distributive property of multiplication in relation to addition: to multiply a natural number by an addition of two or more parcels, we add the products of each parcel by the natural number. Thus, 4. (8+7)= 4.8 + 4.7 Zero element of multiplication: zero is the neutral element of multiplication, since any number multiplied by zero results in zero. Next, I show the ways to solve the multiplication algorithm, by decomposition or by the usual method. Math with Gis ================================================================================ ???? Gis Store: https://giscomgiz.com.br/loja/ ????Courses recommended by Gis: https://giscomgiz.com.br/cursos/ ???? Gis Website: www.giscomgiz.com.br ✍️Practice MULTIPLICATION TABLES with Gis' MULTIPLICATION TABLES tables: https://giscomgiz.com.br/cursos/tabua... ============================================================================= #mathematicabasica #enem #multiplication ????????????????Share this video: • MULTIPLICATION OF NATURAL NUMBERS Aul... ???????? You may also like these videos: ???????? Division with natural numbers: • DIVISION LEARN NOW Prof... Numerical expressions with natural numbers - addition and subtraction: • NUMERICAL EXPRESSIONS with natural num... Numerical expressions with natural numbers - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: • NUMERICAL EXPRESSIONS #02 Prof. Gis / Numerical expressions with natural numbers involving power and root: • NUMERICAL EXPRESSION with ROOT and POWER... Exact square root: • SQUARE ROOT 6TH YEAR SQUARE ROOT EX... Greatest common divisor: • GCD - GREATEST COMMON DIVIDER Process... Power with natural numbers: • POWER WITH NATURAL NUMBERS Pro... Least common multiple: • GCD - Least Common Multiple. Process... Good Studies! ❤ ????⬇ Connect with me ⬇???? ???? My Website: https://giscomgiz.com.br ???? Subscribe to the Channel: https:// / giscomgiz ???? Instagram: @giscomgizmatematica Big hug, Gis Bezerra.