Be the first to watch the premiere episodes of "Applies to Everyone" on the "Inter" TV channel at 6:00 p.m. Svitlana Lysachova and Oleksandr Malyuk from the Kyiv region have been together for almost 2 years. However, even a joint child did not become a reason for formalizing the relationship. Despite the fact that 37-year-old Svitlana is raising as many as 5 children, she has only been to the State Police once, 20 years ago. At the beginning of June, Svitlana left Oleksandr and already managed to find a new love - Dmytro. The woman claims that she sees her future with him. Why can't a mother of many children make up her mind about her personal life? What example does she set for her daughters? #стосовыескожного #данилевич #касаетсякаждого ------------------- "Касается каждого" is a television project that changes life. "Applies to everyone" - a television project that changes lives. Subscribe to the YouTube channel "Kasaetsya khevskogo" - / telecastsk "Kasaetsya khevskogo" on Facebook - / inter.sk Subscribe to Andrey Danilevich's channel on YouTube - / @andriydanilevych Official page of Andrey Danilevich - / andriydanilevich Subscribe to the "Inter" channel on Youtube - / intertvua The official page of "Inter" on Facebook - / inter.ua The website of the "Inter" TV channel - https://inter.ua/ru/