Hey guys, how are you? Another sound system restoration at FND. ABOUT THE CHANNEL The goal of this channel is to share the latest news about cutting-edge accessories for vehicles, knowledge to guide you safely in which shop to trust your car, and also the day-to-day life at FND Automotive Accessories. My name is Fernando, I am the owner and founder of FND, I fell in love with cars when I was still a child, and today I make my passion my professional work! So, if you want to know and stay up to date with the best accessories for your vehicle, with differentiated quality, subscribe to our CHANNEL and ACTIVATE the bell. FOLLOW FND ACCESSORIES ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: @fnd_acessorios SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://bit.ly/3uEfHCO Request your quote with the reference store in quality: https://linktr.ee/fndacessorios