English: Lyrics in Arabic: Muhammad is our prophet, with his light he guided us from Mecca, my beloved, his light conquered Medina. Whoever prays his prayer and is adorned with his qualities, how fortunate is he who walks in his shadow, may he intercede for him in his death, O our Imam, O Trustee, O Supporter of the Muslims, O my beloved, O Muhammad, O Son of Abdullah, the messages were completed perfectly, and the beloved is the seal of the end. Throughout my life, in my prayers, I pray and follow him. From the first day of my life, I heard my father and mother praying for you, O God, bless you, O God, make me love faith, make me feel safe, and I cling to him, O God, bless him and grant him peace, and bless him. I want to see you in my dreams, O Messenger of God, and cry on your shoulder, and sleep, O beloved of God, and be honored to find your company, and walk in the ranks of your nation, and take refuge in you, O my beloved, O you who escaped the maze, you changed the world in our eyes overnight. #mohammadNabina #mohammadTarek #mohammadYousuf #dhongbd #arabicSong #mohammadTarek #mohammadYousuf #arabicSong Muhammad Nabin (محمد نبيلنا) full Naat by Mohammad by Mohamed Tarek & Mohamed Youssef - Medly Mohamed Tarek & Mohamed Youssef - Medly