Be a supporter of the Channel, and help me cover more and more trails throughout Brazil. PIX Key: ???????? Bank: Nu Pagamentos SA AG. 0001 C. 42455091-7 Pix Key: [email protected] Partners: Guinchos Ekron https://instagram.com/ekron_offroad?u... Awk Suspensões https://instagram.com/awksuspensoes?u... Md Autopeças https://instagram.com/md_autopecas?ut... This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revocable basis, for one Single Use for this Registered Project. Item Title: Upbeat Punk Rock Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/upbeat-pu... Item ID: ED87J4C Author Username: alexshulgin Licensee: Daniel Gutierrez Registered Project Name: Brodinho License Date: December 5th, 2021 Item License Code: GBQS8WZP5A The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends).