◆You could be the next store manager! ? Feel free to apply!!!! https://www.hareruyamtg.com/ja/user_d... ◆Would you like to work at your local Hareruya? ? We're looking for part-time workers!!! https://corp.hareruyamtg.com/recruit?... ◆Check out the deck lists here! Tropi Otsuka uses "Sakashima of a Thousand Faces & Thrasios, Triton Hero" https://www.hareruyamtg.com/decks/847... Ittetsu uses "Kozilek, the Great Distortion" https://www.hareruyamtg.com/decks/891... Sugi-chan uses "Yorion, Sky Wanderer" https://www.hareruyamtg.com/decks/841... Taishin uses "Griselbrand" https://www.hareruyamtg.com/decks/883... ◆What is a Super Exciting Commander? ? https://article.hareruyamtg.com/artic... ◆This issue's bonus https://www.hareruyamtg.com/ja/produc... Join membership here / @hareruya_mtg ============================ We're recruiting Hareruya staff nationwide! For details, click the URL below! ↓ https://corp.hareruyamtg.com/recruit/... ■Hareruya http://www.hareruyamtg.com/jp/?utm_so... ■Subscribe to the channel here / @hareruya_mtg ■Hareruya articles https://article.hareruyamtg.com/artic... ◆Hareruya Twitter / hareruya_mtg ◆Hareruya Media Twitter / hareruya_media ◆Regular performer "Tropi Otsuka" Twitter / tropi_otsuka *Thank you for your comments. I click the heart button when I read your comment. Hareruya MTG is unofficial fan content that follows the Fan Content Policy. It is not authorized or licensed by Wizards of the Coast. Some of the subject matter includes Wizards of the Coast property. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Music: BGMer http://bgmer.net #Hareruya #MTG #Card Game #Tropi Otsuka #TCG #Gather #Battle #Magic #MTG Arena #Commander #Black Lotus #Banned Card