A film by Evoney Fernandes A Tá No Grale production Synopsis: After hearing news about the largest open-pit mine in the world, Osmar embarks on an adventure in the state of Pará in the famous Serra Pelada region. He convinces his best friends Roberto and Toinho to go with him on this fun and dangerous adventure in search of gold. Technical Team Screenplay: Evoney Fernandes and Hitalon Bastos Direction: Hitalon Bastos Executive Producer: Fabio Netto Production Director: Hitalon Bastos and Fabio Netto Director of Photography: Jessé Fernands Filming and Photography: Jerryson Bastos, Jessé Fernandes, Marlons Sousa Audio and Lighting: Ernandes Fernandes Editing: Marlons Sousa Editing and Finalization Review: Roberto Giovannetti Sound Supervision: Roberto Giovannetti Sound Editing: Roberto Giovannetti Post Coordination: Hitalon Bastos Cast: Evoney Fernandes (Seu Osmar) Hitalon Bastos (Roberto) Fabio Rochad (Toinho) João Pereira (Velho Bruto) Vitto Viana Kalebe Carvalho (Bracinho) Participation: Estiga Felipe Amigão Deivisson Andrade Notes: Film produced in the State of Pará, in the royal village of Serra Pelada, where we met the history of the residents and the places where the miners of the time lived and worked, we met one of the most famous miners of those years, and the Grota Rica farm where Major Curió once lived, a name well known by everyone there who gave the city of Curionopolis its name, he passed away the same week we were filming in the region, it was an incredible experience for everyone who participated in this work and unique moments. SPECIAL THANKS: To all the extras who were part of this project. A MEDIUM-LENGTH INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION BY: TÁ NO GRALE PRODUÇÕES