Link to buy the book Competition by the teacher: https://www.tiktok.com/view/product/1... Link to buy the book Business by the teacher: https://www.tiktok.com/view/product/1... Shopee link: https://shopee.vn/product/188640719/2... Working part-time during college - should or not? In this video, we will explore the benefits and challenges when students decide to work part-time while still focusing on studying. Will a part-time job help you develop your skills and earn extra income, or will it become a burden, affecting your academic performance? Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss other interesting videos! #TeacherHuuGiang #TeacherHuuGiang's Viewpoint #SocialAnalysis #LifeValues #TeacherHuuGiang'sAnalysis #competition #onlinebusiness #Students #Work Extra #Focus on Studying #College Study #Time Management