The MPU contest notice has been published and today at 7pm (BSB) we will have a live session addressing the main points so that you can have a high-level preparation for the MPU contest. The live session will be with the following teachers: ♦️ Ari Carvalho - MPU Server and Approved in the Institutional Police contests • / obrabodaredacao ♦️ Bruno Mendes - MPU Analyst and Law Specialist • / mais1naposse ♦️ Matheus Santos - TRT-11 Server • / bymatheussantos 🚀 Ensure the best preparation for the MPU: 📌 Want more study tips like this? Subscribe to the links below 👇🏻 📥 Follow my profile on Instagram: / bymatheussantos 👉 Subscribe to the channel: @ProjetoEuConcursado ➡️ My Group on WhatsApp MPU: https://meugrupo.vip/c/41657 #MPU #PolíciaMPU #ConcursoMPU #MPU2025 #MPUPolicialInstitucional #Concursos2025 #ConcursosAbertos #Motivation #Study #BancaFGV #ConcursosPúblicos