https://go.sky.pro/vova.karmanov - register for the free online professions marathon and find out how to switch to remote work this year for sure! ???????? My second video about Argentina is here • ARGENTINA - Big changes. Social... ???????? My episode about Brazil - • Moving to Brazil: Life with a Brazilian... ???? I run Instagram and often answer there / vova.carmanov ???????? My episode about Sao Paulo - • BRAZIL: Life in a dangerous metropolis ... ???? Heroes of the episode: Mikhail / mijailzhuk Anna / anargentin Katya / flyskybutterfly Julia / julia_lav_argentina Lesha / kakiedela Alexander https://t.me/Argentina_ru 0:00 Emigration to Argentina 2:46 Citizenship and the Russian district of Buenos Aires 8:15 Remote work 9:37 Housing prices 10:42 Ukrainians in Argentina 12:37 Work for emigrants 14:36 Married to an Argentine 19:36 Argentine girls. Dating 24:23 Mentality and Russian-speaking crowd 28:35 Attitude towards Russians 29:29 Hitler and the Nazis in Argentina 30:28 Safety and crime 37:38 European district in Buenos Aires 39:48 Diego Maradona and Argentine football 41:24 European roots of Argentines. Italy, Spain, England. Languages and people 47:22 Food, alcohol and products 49:57 Business and low salaries 53:27 Childbirth in Argentina. Residence permit, permanent residence permit, passport 1:00:08 Children of emigrants. Schools and the Spanish language 1:04:54 Pros and cons of life in Argentina In this episode, I will go to South America to look into the eyes of emigrants and understand why they are so happy in a new country. Let's try to figure out what Argentines think about, why they want to relax and not work, and how they treat people from the CIS countries - Russians and Ukrainians. In addition, we will find out why during all the wars, people left for Argentina. We will visit a mixed Russian-Argentine family and hear a story about what it is like to live with an Argentine in Buenos Aires. In the end, we will talk about safety and robberies, because electric fences and barbed wire are not installed on houses for no reason. Everything is ready for the beginning of a cool episode about a very hot country in Latin America, so subscribe to my YouTube and Instagram, I am Vova Karmanov everywhere, and let's go! #argentina #buenosaires #america #baires #emigration #vovakarmanov #expats