Movie Summary: Transformers - Robot Wars About 4 million years ago, on the distant planet Cybertron, there existed a robot civilization. But then that civilization was destroyed by a centuries-long war between two robot races: autobot (good side) and deception (evil side). They fought each other to compete for the allspark (cubic entity) - something that could bring ultimate power to its owner. And then the Earth was accidentally caught up in this fierce war with terrible destructive weapons that the two races have the ability to transform into various forms from self-driving cars to airplanes, mass destruction fighting machines... Main Content of the Video Includes: 00:00 Transformers 2007: Robot Wars 14:29 Transformers 2009: Revenge of the Defeated Soldiers 27:02 Transformers 2011: Dark of the Moon 42:22 Transformers 2014: Age of Extinction 54:34 Transformers 2017: The Last Warrior 01:08:21 Transformers 2023: Rise of the Beast Review of the best Marvel movies #reviewphimbo , #reviewphimhan , #tomtatphim #reviewphim