The Ultimate Gift is a 2006 American drama film directed by Michael O. Sajbel from a screenplay written by Cheryl McKay, based on the best-selling novel by Jim Stovall, who makes a cameo appearance in the film. The film stars Drew Fuller, Ali Hillis, Bill Cobbs, Abigail Breslin, Brian Dennehy, and James Garner in his final live-action film appearance. It was released on March 9, 2007 in the United States and Canada. The film's DVD sales were relatively high compared to its theatrical run, and the film continued to be successful in DVD sales and on television. Two sequels, The Ultimate Life and The Ultimate Legacy, were released in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Tags: #reviewmovie #theultimategift #drewfuller #netflix #abigailbreslin #tomtatphim