Half a year ago I moved from Omsk to the warmest city in our country, Sochi. During this time, a lot has happened to me and I managed to understand and comprehend life in it a little. With all its features and differences. And I will try to share this experience in this video. Guest contacts Vasily's channel / @popov_v_a Andrey telegram channel with giveaways https://t.me/interesnycanal Lisa artist Instagram lovgovery Yana's Instagram @yana__valter Contacts Georgy - 8900 263 30 98 and Anton - 8 938 451 32 16 (sub surfing walks) My VK https://vk.com/s_s_0_6 Instagram _sergeevich_sp. My Avito account for car painting https://www.avito.ru/brands/a1e9286fa...