I'm Hiiragi Kirai, and this is my ninth work. This song can't help but overflow with immaturity. Music / Hiiragi Kirai mylist/64274667 / kirai_dark Art & video / WOOMA / tomapocpo NND https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3673... Off-vocal http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/... Aiaiaiheichu na na na na what are you talking about III hate you, wwww-what is wrong? Without you, I'd be no more. Yes, yes that's right.Yeah yeah you're quite right, it's exactly as you said. State of the solution passing to be expelled aaaa Aiaiaiheichu na na na na what are you talking about III hate you, wwww-what is wrong? You're flippant, full of fatigue I can't be a good girl. It's always close in on... My dear, why why don't you know? This is out of question. To communicate something, words are minor means instead you have to suggest it by attitude, or else everything remains unintelligible. Top secret cannot be revealed So hate you, wwww-what is wrong? Without you, I'd be no more. Yeah yeah you're quite right, it's exactly as you said. If swallowed, it is the truth Aaaaa place it should belong Aaaa-I'm being led to Aaaa-at the abyss Fairly hate you, what is wrong? Still flippant, while I'm noble Dragged in the dried floor Without you I would be a goddess now! Top secret, an urge running in my lungs burns my throat Secret, secret, before long aaaaaaaaa Don't come out Fairly hate you, what is wrong? Oh my hope-hopeless guys, wwww-what's wrong? 'Twill get nowhere! Oh my hope-hopeless guys, wwww-what's wrong? Without you, I'd be no more. Yes, that's right. Yeah yeah you're quite right, it's exactly as you said. If swallowed, it is the truth Aaaaa place it should belong Aaaa-I'm being led to Aaaa-at the bottom of the abyss I hate you, wwww-what is wrong?