Remembering the deceased: Fritz Wepper: https://amzn.to/3xaDXA2 Franz Beckenbauer: https://amzn.to/4b3pANn ???? Subscribe for updates and stay tuned for ongoing memorial videos to share in more celebrity farewells. ???? Celebrity Farewells: Remembering the Unforgettable ???? Recently, well-known personalities from Germany and around the world have died. In this video, I tell you who these people were. ????️ ???? Tribute to the Legends: We pay respect and remember their contributions to entertainment, art and culture. Thank you for joining us in honoring these unique personalities and preserving their mark in our memories. ???????? #mourning #deaths #celebrityfarewells #commemoration #legends #celebrities #tribute #memories #stars #lifestories #YouTubecommemoration #InMemoriam #celebrities #famous #restinpeace #deceasedcelebrities #june2024 #celebritiesdeath #famouswhodiedtoday #diedin2024 #whodiedrecently #whodiedtoday2024 #starswhodiedtoday #legendswhodiedtoday #passedaway #bigstaer #rip #whodiedthismonth #whodiedrecently #actordiedtoday #actorswhodiedtoday #whodiedrecently #deathstoday #whopassedawaytoday #whodiedtoday2024 #diedin2024 #whodiedthisweek #whodiedtoday #fritzwepper Sources: dewezet.de abendzeitung-muenchen.de sport1.de wdr.de saechsische.de focus.de rp-online.de brigitte.de ran.de web.de tagesspiegel.de eurosport.de merkur.de n-tv.de msn.de br.de rnd.de swr.de bild.de tvmovie.de mz.de tagesschau.de spot on news brigitte.de zeit.de mz.de faz.net yahoo.com zdf.de kreiszeitung.de wikipedia.org kn-online.de rocktimes.info stern.de welt.de euronews.com spiegel.de promiflash.de gala.de news.de fr.de swp.de rtl.de wikipedia.org ilmessaggero.it ok-magazin.de express.de tz.de t-online.de infranken.de sueddeutsche.de dayfr.com news.de kleinezeitung.at tagesanzeiger.ch bunte.de