You are in the mountains, during a hike, your cell phone has no signal, suddenly you need help, how to call for help? Rete Radio Montana was born to overcome this problem. Visit the Rete Radio Montana website https://www.reteradiomontana.it/ #OrmeMontane #mountain #excursions #safetyinthemountains #ReteRadioMontana ???? Link to the Orme Montane website: http://www.ormemontane.weebly.com ???? Also on Mountain Tribe we talk about Rete Radio Montana: https://mountaintribe.it/rete-radio-m... ???? Visit the Rete Radio Montana website: https://www.reteradiomontana.it/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ????Midland G9 plus: https://amzn.to/3o6GK4r ????Midland G13: https://amzn.to/33zNkac ???? Other PMR446 radios: https://amzn.to/3eByhmL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????Follow me also on Instagram: / orme_montane ????Subscribe to the Telegram channel t.me@orme_montane __________________________________________________________________________________ Videos of the route made thanks to and Google Earth Music: https://www.bensound.com