Pico do Papagaio is one of the tourist attractions in the city of Aiuruoca, in the state of Minas Gerais. It is 2,105 meters high and is the main rock formation in a mountain range belonging to the Serra da Mantiqueira, located in the Serra do Papagaio State Park. INTERESTING FACT: Aiuruoca, the city that overlooks Pico do Papagaio, is among the four municipalities in Minas Gerais with over 20% of native vegetation cover. According to the secretary of SEDESA, within the limits of the municipality, Aiuruoca has an area in the Serra do Papagaio State Park, APA Serra da Mantiqueira, and is also the municipality in Minas Gerais with the largest number of approved Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs). Check out and LIKE the Fanpage: facebook.com/DRONEDAMONTANHA Music: soundcloud.com/23violins/dwell Equipment: DJI Phantom 2 / Zenmuse H3 3D / GOPRO HERO 3+ / Adobe Premiere CC / Adobe After Effects / GoProStudio