Broadcast date: 2024.12.23 Video comments + likes / Please leave a lot of interesting opinions. 3. Editing: Moomin Thumbnail: People Taste Go to Lee Cho-hong's live broadcast → https://chzzk.naver.com/ed21d36a44d19... Go to Lee Cho-hong's replay → https://chzzk.naver.com/ed21d36a44d19... Go to Lee Cho-hong's fan cafe → https://cafe.naver.com/chuchucho Go to Lee Cho-hong's Twitter → https://x.com/2cho_official Advertising inquiries: [email protected] #LeeCho-hong #MountaineeringClub #LostArk ????Music provided by BGM President ????Track: Sora-ge's Adventure - • [BGM President] (Bright/Cheerful/Bright) Sora-ge's Adventure/The Ad...