I came across an annoying situation: my motorcycle suddenly turned off and wouldn't start. The starter would turn, but the engine wouldn't start. Watch the video. I'm Nei, and this is the channel EU FERNANDES, your channel that has everything. Videos with tips, tutorials, humor, do-it-yourself, entertainment, everyday life, and much more. If you liked this video, leave a like to help me out. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell so you don't miss the next videos. Share with your friends and comment so we know what you think of our videos. Leave your questions, criticisms, compliments, suggestions... . CHECK OUT MORE VIDEOS FROM THE CHANNEL http://bit.ly/2JcutaC Check out my Playlists and all my videos below: Life in the countryside http://bit.ly/VnaRoç Do it yourself http://bit.ly/FVcMes Good gambiarra http://bit.ly/GamBem YouTube Apprentice http://bit.ly/AprnYT DivulgAsTop http://bit.ly/DvAsTop Technology http://bit.ly/TecNol Tutorials http://bit.ly/TutTo Information http://bit.ly/InForMe SoRindo http://bit.ly/SoRii WATCH THIS: http://bit.ly/2JcutaC Well guys, that's it for today, stay safe everyone and see you next time