Hello friends. In my opinion, the IZH-49 motorcycle is the founder of mass production of middle-class motorcycles in the USSR. It is clear that it owes its roots to the German company DKW. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, a huge number of German factories were exported to the victorious countries: the USA, Great Britain and, of course, the USSR. Having become better acquainted with the IZH, I realized that it is a simple, reliable and honest piece of real iron. Meet the IZH 49. I would like to thank the OldCarService company for providing the motorcycle for a test drive. Privat Bank UAH card: 4627 0557 7030 0365 Krasilnikov Maksim Privat Bank US Dollar card: 4627 0551 0027 0411 Krasilnikov Maksim Alfa Bank Ukraine card: 4909 1500 0173 0693 Krasilnikov Maksim Mono Bank UAH card: 4441 1144 2115 3444 Krasilnikov Maksim Details for SWIFT transfer: BENEFICIARY: MAKSYM KRASILNIKOV Recipient bank account (plastic card number or current account in PrivatBank) 4627055100270411 BANK OF BENEFICIARY: Recipient bank JSC CB PRIVATBANK, 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE SWIFT CODE/BIC: PBANUA2X CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: Beneficiary bank account in correspondent bank 0011000080 INTERMEDIARY BANK: Correspondent bank JP MORGAN CHASE BANK SWIFT CODE/BIC: CHASUS33 IBAN: UA483052990000026200750149218 Our channel Avtopoligon Kuznitsy: / @AvtopoligonKuznitsy Purchase and transfer of our PAZ-672: • PAZ-672. First test drive: transfer with... Our Life channel: / @TrudovyebudniKuznitsy Our documentary film channel: / @StudioKuznitsaFilm #kuznitsatestdrive #aboutcars #retrocar #carrestoration #madeinussr #history