"Ikyunnya Kana" is one of the representative shimauta of northern Amami. The lyrics and composition are unknown. Because of its simple melody, it is often the first song played during sanshin practice, and is also a song often sung by singers from Amami. It sings about the eternal separation between a man and a woman, and is the root of counting songs. I'm going, Kana, I've forgotten all about myself, I'm going, Kana, I'm going, I'm going, but it's painful to go, it's painful to go, my mother and my dear father, they're sad and thinking, they're picking rice and beans, they're waking up in the night, they're waking up in the night, they're thinking about you, they're not sleeping, the birds are singing, The bird that cries out from Tachigami-oki is a living soul, a living soul in the sky.