Motivation is always at the core of a person. It is inextricably linked with the structure of a person's personality. And the typology of people by motivational features is a good tool in hiring employees and managing them, which does not require immersion in the deep structure of the personality. In simple, applied language, it describes how a person thinks, how he makes decisions, what motivates him and how you can direct him to a convenient format of interaction) I have a guide that describes all 5 types in detail, tells how to create a portrait of an employee based on them, how to write a vacancy, how to identify the right employee at the selection stage and how to motivate and manage current employees to increase their efficiency) the guide can be obtained for 1950 rubles from me in telegram https://t.me/psyshadrina You can sign up for a consultation and learn about other training products on the website www.daryashadrina.ru With love, your Dasha)