Check out this new thing! I was invited to take part in a challenge from a group of craftswomen to create something for Mother's Day! I challenged Bia Feltz! Let's see what she prepared? Click here: / biafeltz I hope you like my Doorstop and take the opportunity to meet all of the participants: Bia Feltz - / biafeltz Arteirinhas by Claudia Vianna - / vianaclaudia1 Dinha Ateliê Patchwork - / dinha ateliê patchwork Coisas da Teca - / @coisasdateca Artes da Bê Ateliê - / artedabeatelie Rosa Mutuca - / @rosamutuca1 Arte de Paninho Rosimary Cavalcante - / @artedepaninho Silvinha Borges Arte em Casa - / silvinhaborges By Fê Atelier - / byfeatelier