What are the most expensive neighborhoods in João Pessoa? We have an updated list with the prices per square meter in the 10 most expensive neighborhoods. Do you want to live in João Pessoa? Or do you already live there and dream of moving to a better neighborhood? Check out the list. Let's now take a look at the list of the 10 most expensive neighborhoods in the capital of Paraíba, let's say, the neighborhoods with the most expensive residential properties. We know about the expansion that João Pessoa has been experiencing. Recently, it was named by the IBGE as, among the group of the 20 largest cities in Brazil, the city that grew the most. The city that received the most new residents in the last 12 years. This, of course, reflects on the demand for homes, generating a competition between neighborhoods when it comes to winning over new residents. Each neighborhood has its own characteristics and attributes. The final decision really depends on the taste of the client, or rather, the buyer. There will be those who prefer a more densely populated, touristy, busy region, or those who prefer a region further away from the tourist axis, more peaceful, quiet and family-friendly. The top 10 is basically made up of beach neighborhoods, which is not surprising. I was surprised that we didn't see neighborhoods considered upscale on the list, such as Ipês, Expedicionários, Jardim Luna, Miramar, Bairro dos Estados, Tambauzinho, Tambaú... and Bancários, which is considered the upscale neighborhood in the southern region. These didn't appear and were replaced by others. In first place is Cabo Branco, with 9,268 Reais per square meter. This is not surprising. It has the second most expensive property tax in the capital, and is only higher than Bairro dos Estados due to the commercial area on Avenida Epitácio Pessoa. In this neighborhood, residents have the privilege of low density, given that there are practically no tall buildings due to the law that prohibits high-rise buildings on the waterfront. Despite being a tourist destination, it is still an extremely residential neighborhood. It combines the luxury of the beach with the tranquility of a relatively small and narrow neighborhood. It really is difficult to choose for those who arrive as new residents in the capital. You really have to consider several factors, the main interest of the buyer, what he considers most important to have near where he lives, and of course, mainly, the economic factor. Here on the channel there are several videos about João Pessoa, Campina Grande and the entire Northeast region. Aerial Images: Tacio Sousa (Tacio Adventures Channel) Júnior (Last Seen Channel). Extra Images: Dhuan Produções Prefeitura de João Pessoa. Contacts: David Dhuan - Instagram: @daviddhuan Email: [email protected] Dhuan Produções: (83) 9 96224273