Over the past decade, the ECB has pursued a very expansionary monetary policy and provided more liquidity than ever to financial institutions. Its objectives have been to increase the GDP of the euro zone, reduce the interest paid by national Treasuries, avoid deflation and achieve a CPI close to 2%, the latter being the level considered optimal by the central bank. Here is the link to my personal website in case you want to continue reading my articles on economics: https://www.gonzalobernardos.es Follow me on my RRSS to stay up to date with all the news: @GonzaloBernardos / gonbernardos And if you are interested in taking any of the Masters that I direct, here is the link: Master in Real Estate Consulting, Management and Promotion: https://www.masterinmobiliarioub.es Master in Creation, Management and Development of Franchises: https://masterfranquiciaub.es