It's time to bring you a food that we know is WORTH IT. Voz do Além and I ordered the famous MORTADELA SANDWICH from the SÃO PAULO MARKET at BAR DO MANÉ. With cheddar, bacon and onion, the sandwich comes with approximately 300g of Ceratti bologna mortadella. We also tried the MORTADELA CROQUETTE with parmesan and chopped tomatoes. Is it WORTH IT? 👻😉 ...................... Do you want to send us a gift? 😍 We'll love it!!! 🎁 Post Office Box: 78318 / ZIP Code: 01504-970 / SP 📧 e-mail for partnerships: [email protected] 🎬 Videos every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at noon ..................... *This content is NOT sponsored