Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone created works together for the ages. "Once Upon A Time In America" (#OnceUponATimeInAmerica) from 1984 was their last collaboration and also Leone's last film. The 250-minute film, starring Robert De Niro, is by no means a fairytale, but the bloody story of a gangster clan. This film is set in 1922, 1932 and 1968. Morricone connects the time periods with heartbreaking melodies and Leone outdoes himself once again: He not only deconstructs the American Dream, but also the #gangsterfilm genre so thoroughly that in the end only the garbage collection can come. "Once Upon A Time In America" is an extraordinary masterpiece that initially received rave reviews in Europe, but then flopped in the USA after the production company trimmed the film down. #EnnioMorricone, who wrote the music for more than 500 films, presents one of his most important works with this soundtrack. More from Wolfgang M. Schmitt in the video! Literature: Max Horkheimer: "The Rackets and the Spirit", in: Ders.: Gesammelte Schriften. Vol. 12. S. Fischer. You can support THE FILMANALYSE financially - thank you very much! Wolfgang M. Schmitt Subject: THE FILM ANALYSIS IBAN: DE29 5745 0120 0130 7858 43 BIC: MALADE51NWD PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/filmanalyse In the new episode of “Prosperity for All,” Ole Nymoen and I explain why the crash prophets are wrong and why there is no inflation in sight: https://wohlstandfueralle.podigee.io/ The salon (for Steady subscribers) of THE NEW TWENTY is online: https://neuezwanziger.de/ In the new episode of THE NEW TWENTY, Stefan Schulz and I talk about, among other things, voice tweets, the US Republicans, and free speech and hate speech on the Internet: https://neuezwanziger.de/ My online lecture “Do we need more left-wing populism?”: • Do we need more left-wing populism? mi... I congratulated the Kinoplus team on their 300th birthday: • The 300th episode of Kino+ - Great guests ... Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Twitter: / schmittjunior Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Facebook: / wolfgangm.schmittjun Wolfgang M. Schmitt on Instagram: / wolfgangmschmitt https://www.fatboyfilm.de / fatboyfilm / fatboyfilm