Mormyshing is gaining more and more popularity, more and more fishermen want to try what kind of animal it is - mormyshing. The basis of our gear is a rod and the choice is currently growing, more and more manufacturers offer delicate rods for fishing with a jig. In this review, we consider 7 spinning rods for mormyshing from different price categories. The review included: Dayo Nano Atarashii test 0.2 - 1 g, length 165 cm Dayo Liropus test 0.2 - 0.8 g, length 198 cm Fish Season BLACK ADDER test - 0.5-1.2 length - 168 cm Nautilus Ant NAT-S582SXUL Solid test - 0.2-1.5 length - 177 cm Crazy Fish Nano Zero Carbon test - 0.2-1.5 length - 172 cm OCTOPUS X6 NANO SPIN MSK 0.2-1.5 gr 1.83m 6-piece TRAVEL Matagi TWJ-562XUL test - 0.2-1.0 length - 170 cm ???? Channel support ???? ???? 5469 3800 7628 2424 - Sberbank ???? Link to my telegram channel - https://t.me/zebrazun Link to the Telegram group for communication - https://t.me/MicroMormo Links to videos with reviews of spinning rods for mormyshing Dayo Nano Atarashii - • Dayo Nano Atarashii. Why are you needed? Nautilus Ant - • Nautilus ANT NAT-S582SXUL with a test of 0 ... This spinning rod did not participate in today's video, but I did a review of it Maximus Legend Nano Jig 17XUL-HS, test 0.2-1.5 length - 170 cm • Maximus Legend Nano Jig 17XUL-HS 0.2-... #mormyshing, #nanojig, #spinningfishing, #mormyshka, #crucian carp, #crucian carp fishing