Want to learn how Djonatan and I turned the tables and earned dollars online? Click here and reserve a spot with special conditions for the next Meta Dólar Pro class by subscribing to the channel: https://escoladodolar.com/meta-dolar-... More than 1 year in Brazil, do I regret leaving the United States? It's been more than 12 months since we decided that we would return to live in Brazil, after having lived 3 years straight in the United States. We spent months thinking and pondering what it would be like to return to our country, after having lived such a rich and intense experience as an immigrant in the USA. There were many factors that made us consider the possibility of returning to Brazil, among them, of course, our career in International Digital Marketing, which made it possible to earn dollars, from anywhere in the world. Therefore, spending in reais and earning in dollars became tempting, lol. But, in the long run, will it be worth it? What would it be like to adapt to Brazil, after having lived in a first world country? Was returning to Brazil really the best decision? Is it worth leaving the United States and leaving the American dream aside? I'm going to talk to you about all these questions and more in today's video! I'm going to share my honest opinion on the topic: Do I regret leaving the United States and returning to Brazil? Would I recommend it? I hope this video helps you weigh your decisions and find the best path for you and your family!!!! Click below to join the next Meta Dólar Pro class: https://escoladodolar.com/meta-dolar-... BrazilmearrependidesairdosEstadosUnidos? __________________________ BECOME A MEMBER OF THIS CHANNEL AND GET EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS: / @carolinapitthan If you're not part of the family yet, subscribe! Take advantage and activate the notification bell so YouTube notifies you every time I upload a new video, which in this case is every week!!! Follow me on Instagram: @caroolpitthan A big kiss, until the next video!!! More than 1 year in Brazil, do I regret leaving the United States? More than 1 year in Brazil, do I regret leaving the United States? More than 1 year in Brazil, do I regret leaving the United States? Life in the USA, Living in Florida, Living in Orlando, Living legally in the USA, United States, Florida, Orlando, More than 1 year in Brazil, I regret leaving the United States, Carol Pithan, Djonatan Leao, how to earn dollars, how to go to the United States, how to get a passport, how to get a visa, Walmart, returning to live in Brazil, I regret returning to Brazil, I regret leaving the United States?, life in the United States, Brazilians in the United States, I regret returning to Brazil, we are going back to Brazil after living in the United States, Brazilians around the world, living in Florida, living in Orlando, how to earn dollars, meta dollar, meta dollar pro,