Every contribution in the garden, no matter how small, helps to counteract species extinction. These measures are often easier to implement than you think and not really expensive. The simplest measure is to simply do nothing and observe. There is often more biodiversity hidden in your own garden than you think. In our short video, we would like to show you measures from the Ravensburg district's biodiversity garden at the Wangen State Garden Show, which was created with the support of the Landscape Conservation Association as part of the biodiversity strategy. You can find out more about the biodiversity strategy at https://naturvielfalt-rv.de Follow us on Instagram / naturvielfalt.ravensburg ------------------------------------ Initiators: The biodiversity strategy of the Ravensburg district - https://naturvielfalt-rv.de/ Ravensburg district - https://www.rv.de/ Ravensburg Landscape Conservation Association - https://www.lev-ravensburg.de/ Supported by: Kreissparkasse Ravensburg - https://www.kreissparkasse-ravensburg.de