Malou After ten in TV4 from 2017-10-16: More and more suffer from exhaustion syndrome. Chatarina Landell is one of them and she talks about her way back after exhaustion. In the last five years, the number affected has increased by 119%. What happens physically and psychologically when the dangerous stress strikes? Anders Hansen, chief psychiatrist psychiatry and Viveca Gyberg, doctor and researcher Malou after ten in TV4 is a community program with Malou von Sivers. Current themes and interviews with artists, writers and politicians. Watch full episodes of Malou after ten: http://tv4play.se/program/malou-efter... Follow Malou after ten on YouTube: http://youtube.com/malouefertio?sub_... Facebook: / maloueftertio Twitter : / maloueftertio Instagram: / maloueftertio Follow TV4 on YouTube: http://youtube.com/tv4?sub_confirmati... Malou efter tio is a Swedish talkshow on TV4 with host Malou von Sivers.