Mongolia, known as the country of the "Eternal Blue Sky", is a remote region of vast expanses, endless steppes and infinite skies, home to nomadic peoples and a multitude of ethnic groups. A land of cultures and religions, it has a wide variety of ecosystems, from the most arid deserts on the planet to large glaciers that fall from peaks more than 4,000 meters high, through large lakes and lush coniferous forests. Covered in legends, Mongolia is a mythical and legendary land since the times of the famous Genghis Khan and still preserves deep-rooted Tibetan Buddhist traditions, shamanism, animism and some nomadic peoples. Mongolia has an area of 1,564,116 km² (three times the size of Spain) and a population of 3,410,000 individuals. It is the least densely populated sovereign state in the world, and where a third of its inhabitants continue to lead a nomadic life. 90% of the population are ethnic Mongols who share the same territory with other ethnic groups such as the Kazakhs and the Tsaatan. The majority of Mongolians are Buddhists, being along with Bhutan, the only two independent countries where this "philosophical and spiritual doctrine" is predominant.