The movie that taught us the difference between Egypt and Egypt ???????? Watch the review of the movie “Living the Moment” in this episode of the #MondayReview program and write to us in the comments your suggestions for upcoming movies --- A new episode of the Monday Review program A comedy program to review movies you know and don't know in a different way and you probably never heard of them, presented by the stars of Standup Comedy that you love --- Stand-up comedian Ahmed Magdy: / @ahmed_magdyyy__ Stand-up comedian Ahmed Hassan: / @ahmedhassen --- Watch all episodes of the Monday Review program from here ???????? • Monday Review ???? with Hassan and Magdy --- You can be part of the preparations for each episode and send us the movies you want us to review in #Monday_Review ???? Facebook: / yallapop Instagram: / yalla.pop TikTok: / yallapop --- Don't forget to subscribe to the channel from here ???????? https://bit.ly/YallaPop --- Monday Review ???? with Hassan and Magdy ???? • Monday Review ???? with Hassan and Magdy Wara Program Behind the scenes ???? with Mona Khaled ???? • Behind the scenes ???? with Mona Khaled Asary Movies Program ???? with Amr Fahmy ???? • Asary Movies ???? with Amr Fahmy ???? Exclusive interviews with the stars: ???? • Exclusive interviews ✨ Follow the latest celebrity and star news from here ???? • Celebrity news --- Digital Distribution: https://concast.me/ --- For collaborations, kindly email us at [email protected]