Here we go for the start of Season 2 of Mole Gun! Don't forget the I love families if you still support. We stay strong despite the fake brothers! 32 players. 8 moles. 2 super moles. One mole per team. Who will be the moles? Who will survive the betrayal? Who will be the mole of moles? The rules: Same conditions as KTP: 2000x2000 map, hardcore, life regeneration only via golden apple / health potion, After 50 minutes, a mole is randomly chosen from a team and only he knows it. His goal is to trigger discord at the right time to make his new team win. The moles have a chat to chat with each other, The 8 moles thus selected will not form one, but two teams of 4 moles, Each mole has a random kit (see intro of episode 1 for the list of kits), After 70 minutes a super mole is randomly chosen from each team of moles, its goal is to win solo, Level II potions as well as strength potions are banned, Friendly fire is activated, The Mumble plugin is active. Pro Contact Only: [email protected] ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/MrBboy45 ► MsBgirl45's Channel: / msbgirl45 ► Secondary Channel: / monsieurbadboy ► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MrBboy4... ► Level Down: http://leveldown.fr/#mrbboy45 List of participants by team: Team Dark Blue: Fukano: / fuuukano Seyhial: / seyhial Pierretrot: / pierretrot Bardin: / monsieurbardin Team Cyan: Wolf: / onyblockx Brybry: / brybryjv Ichisu: / mrichisu Elspawn: / elspawngames Team Dark Green: ZeratoR: / zeratorsc2 Shorty: / shortydesigner Souls: / soulsstealergames Kid: / thek33d221 Team Dark Grey: Epee: / epeeforte Aurelien: / aureliensama DavLec: / davlec76 Talisker: / flamingtalisker Team Yellow: MrBboy45: / mrbboy45 Jiraiya: / jirayatv Funeral: / darkfuneral97two Xari: / xarietjiji Team Dark Purple: Skyyart: / skyyartetchelxie Mickalow: / mickalow_ Chelxie: / skyyartetchelxie Bytell: / bytell2 Team Gold: aypierre: / aypierre Azenet: / azenetmc Bill: / billsilverlight Nems: / nemsworld Team Blue: Newtiteuf: / newtiteufprod Daweed: / misterdaweedgaming Unster: / unsterbliicher Frigiel: / frigiel Don't hesitate to check out other players' points of view on their channels! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miniature by Kid: / thek33d221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original concept by Bergarsms: / bergasms_presents_the_mole_version_2