This is part 2 of the Questions and Answers with Joep. We selected your best questions - see what Joep has to answer! Are you also looking for more fun with driving or perhaps more experience? Look at: www.carrec-technocenter.nl/carrec-special-projects Or come and talk to us and get advice for a tailor-made approach. Look at: https://www.carrec-technocenter.nl/ov... Follow us on one of our media: Facebook: / carrectechnocenter Instagram: / carrectechnocenter 0:00 1) Are cars built better or worse today than, for example, around the year 2000 and why? 2:13 2) What is the coolest car you have had the pleasure of working on? 2:55 3) What does an average day look like for you now that you are the owner of Carrec? 4:17 4) What kind of education have you done? 5:51 5) Which Klokje Rond has always stayed with you? 7:05 6) When did your passion for cars start? And what was your dream car as a child? 7:54 7) Where does the name Carrec Technocenter come from? 8:56 8) What was your dream car as a child? 9:15 9) What are your thoughts on longlife intervals? And what brand of oil do you use, and why? 13:09 10) How do you expect your company to develop as electric cars play an increasingly important role? 13:11 11) If budget doesn't matter, what would be your ultimate car? 14:28 12) Why did you choose an M140i and not an RS3 or Golf R, for example? 15:46 13) Are you going to sell cars yourselves? And if so, do you have a type in mind? 17:29 14) What is the nicest car you've ever owned? Which one do you most regret selling? 19:34 15) Are there services that Carrec does not currently perform itself, but that you would like to perform in-house in the coming years? 21:21 16) Do you have an example/someone who inspires you?