This mobile app, the idea of which was born by Oleg and Dima, may make it easier for you to care for bonsai. This is the first version, so we are waiting for your comments and evaluation of the functional capabilities. The link to the urokibonsai app is below. https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... E-mail: [email protected] https://tunetank.com/t/187f/3521-anti... https://tunetank.com/t/187f/3764-coff... 1) My Paypal: [email protected] ___ Website: https://urokibonsai.ru Forum: http://urokibonsai.ru/forum/ My Telegram: https://t.me/urokibonsai My Instagram: / paganich My VK: https://vk.com/paganich My Tiwtter: / urokibonsai My group about BONSAI in VK: https://vk.com/urokibonsaiyt My Paypal: [email protected] Good luck! #bonsai#bonsailessons #bonsaitree#relaxbonsaivideo #mobileapp #bonsaimobileapp #bonsaicare #bonsaicalendar #androidbonsai #canalbonsai #mackbonsai #channelbonsai #allbonsai #howtoshapebonsai #bonsaifrombeginning #bonsaifromscratch #channelbonsai # #bonsai #bonsailessons #bonsaitree#relaxbonsaivideo #bonsaiinwinter #winteringbonsai #caretips #winteringbonsaitips #bonsaifromscratch #bonsaitreefruit #relaxbonsai #relaxbonsaivideo #bonsaihomes #bonsaifruits #bonsaivideo #canalbonsai #bonsaivideo #bonsaificus #allbonsai #bonsailessons #bonsaitree #relaxbonsaivideo #kirio #akadama #bonsaisoilkirio #bonsaisoilakadama##bonsaifromscratch #growingbonsai #howtoshapebonsai #bonsaifrombeginning #socialnetworkbonsai ##mobileapp #mobileappbonsai #bonsaicare #bonsaicalendar #androidbonsai #channelbonsai #mackbonsai #channelbonsai #allbonsai #bonsaiinspring #