In this master class we will look at embroidering a small rose using the rococo technique, as well as embroidering a small plot with roses. We will use the rococo stitch to embroider the rose and a loop in the fastening for embroidering the leaves. For work you will need fabric (I have gabardine), a hoop (mine is 15 cm in diameter), an embroidery needle, scissors, floss (I have floss from the Gamma company No. 3088, 3081 and 3140). #RazhivalovaNatalia #VolumetricEmbroidery #BrazilianEmbroidery In the grand class, we will embroider a rose in the rococo technique, as if we were embroidering a rose with roses. Usamos la puntada rococó para el bordado de la rosa y el lazo en la horquilla para el bordado de las hojas. El trabajo requerirá tela (tengo gabardina), aro (tengo un diámetro de 15 cm), aguja de bordado, tijeras, hilo de seda (tengo hilo de seda de la empresa Gamma Números 3088, 3081 y 3140). In the master class, we will look at the embroidery of a small rose in the Rococo technique, as well as the embroidery of a small plot with roses. We use a rococo stitch for embroidery roses and a loop in the center for embroidery leaves. To work, you will need a fabric (I have gabardine), a hoop (I have a diameter of 15 cm), an embroidery needle, scissors, floss threads (I have floss of the company Gamma Numbers 3088, 3081 and 3140).