Patreon: /victoraguilarchang Almuzara: http://almuzaralibros.com/fichalibro.... Amazon Spain: https://www.amazon.es/Historia-milita... Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=victor+agu... Patreon, Almuzara and Amazon, you can search for me as Victor Aguilar-Chang ------------------------------------------------------ Hello, at 2:00 p.m. on October 6, 1973, the armed forces of Syria and Egypt began the Yom Kippur War. Below I will analyze the misuse of the armored forces of Israel, Egypt and Syria during that war, and in the case of the Egyptian and Syrian armed forces, the misuse of their tanks left them in a position of great vulnerability, which was quickly exploited by the Israelis. I hope you like this video and greetings from Guatemala. Sincerely, Victor Aguilar-Chang