In this video you will be able to see unused content from the first Pokémon games, we will analyze certain things that are still in the game code, but we will also observe certain artworks that came out at an early time before the video games were released. To be more in touch with upcoming videos and previews of them, follow this facebook page: / esteman3000 I would like to thank several sources for this compilation: ChickasaurusGL's Channel (very good, by the way, he likes to explore the mysteries of the game's code to the fullest): / chickasaurusgl List of programmed pokémon from generation 1: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wi... Smogon user: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/... Interview with Morimoto: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Iwata-Asks... Unused pokémon song (original, be careful with your ears xD): • Pokémon Red/Blue Unused Track (Original) Restored unused pokémon song: • Pokémon Red/Blue - Unused Song (4-cha... Blue ballon fighter index video (the one that mentions the missingno and mew theory and other types of analysis of the index of programming): • Video Cries of missingno: • Unique Missingno. cries (Generation I)