Record of a lecture on the topic: Riemann Hypothesis - one of the most difficult mathematical problems of our time. The Riemann Hypothesis has resisted the efforts of the best mathematicians to prove or disprove it for almost 160 years. This holy grail of mathematics is one of the seven so-called Millennium Problems, which were formulated in 2000 at the American Clay Mathematics Institute with the aim of naming the most important challenges in mathematics at the turn of the millennium. A seemingly abstract statement about how the roots of one of the mathematical functions should be distributed has surprising consequences not only for the theory of prime numbers, their distribution and estimation of their number, but also affects modern areas of contemporary algebra and even quantum physics. In the lecture, we will touch on all these aspects of the Riemann problem and how it all relates to encryption, coding and internet security, and what consequences for it the solution of the Riemann mystery could bring. Lecturer: doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc., born 14. 4. 1962 in Vsetín. Expert in mathematics and mathematical analysis. Conducts research focusing on partial differential equations, hyperbolic conservation laws and the method of finite volumes. Musician, keyboard player, member of the Asonance group. Further information: www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~rokyta • About mathematics with Mirko Rokyta 4 - Prob... (About mathematics with Mirko Rokyta 4 - The million dollar problem - Riemann hypothesis) www.patecnici.net www.facebook.com/patecnici.cyklus Support for the Fridays project: https://www.startovac.cz/patron/vasi-...