30. 4. 2024 Brno Observatory and Planetarium www.hvezdarna.cz/program FERMAT'S LAST THEOREM, OR THE MOST FAMOUS MATHEMATICAL PUZZLE doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc. Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Charles University https://kma.mff.cuni.cz/ Sometime around 1637, Pierre de Fermat formulated his famous Last Theorem. He claimed to be able to prove it, but he left no proof behind, and famous and less famous mathematicians tried in vain to solve his puzzle for almost 360 years. What magic does this theorem hide that has attracted and still attracts hundreds and thousands of mathematics lovers? In the lecture, we will take a short trip through the history of this problem, speculate on whether Fermat really did or could have proven this theorem, show some unexpected connections, and try to at least hint at the main ideas of Wiles' famous proof, which has been around for 30 years.