This time, the lie detector test has a very welcome guest, namely the artist Mirella! ???? Samuli asks Mirella e.g. about the Romani influences of the songs and combining high school and music career. In which Yle series has Mirella acted? And what does mirella's FYP look like? The episode also reveals that Mirella has been a fan of Samul and not the other way around ???? The Moves Like Summeri dance challenge starts on September 25. at 16 here: https://www.tiktok.com/@moveslikesumm... SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / @ylesummeri EVERYTHING OF YLE SUMMERI SOMET @ylesummeri IG: / ylesummeri HOUSE OF SUMMERI TIKTOK: / ylesummeri MOOD OF SUMMERI TIKTOK: / ylesummerimood ARENA : http://yle.fi/summeri Responsible producer: Yasemin Pulcu Director: Veera Lamminpää Screenwriter: Veera Lamminpää Cinematographer: Janne Vanhanen and Matias Auramo Editor: Matias Auramo Masking: Matias Koittola Sound engineer: Jarno Kurki Sound designer: Erno Kumpulainen Performers: Host: Samuli Ainasvuori Guest: Mirella Roininen Lie Detector: Yasemin Pulcu Yle: Responsible producer: Salla Pietiläinen Subscriber: Mikko Silvennoinen Responsible editor: Ville Vilén Yle Creative content and media Image sources: Cocomelon clip • ???? Meeting the hairy ones CoComelon... Virala genier clip https://arenan.yle.fi/1-50270526 Jami Faltin, photo: Antti Haanpää / Yle (https://yle.fi/a/74-20051316) Chicken salad, photo: Kotivalo / Wikipedia Commons CC0 1.0 license. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fi... Chocolate disc, photo: Tiia Monto / Wikipedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Water bottle, freepik.com / AI-generated image ANI image from Yle's article “Summeri Goes WhatsApp! Order now! ": https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2016/04... Muscle graphic: Freepik.com, user freepik. https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/g... Trash Heap, Pexels.com. Photographer: We don't. Pexels free license.