Native plants in our webshop: https://www.nordischer-shop.at/katego... Native seeds in our webshop: https://www.nordischer-shop.at/katego... Beautiful things for the home: https://www.nordischer-shop.at/katego... Miraculous propagation of native wild plants From seed to plant. The complex path from the wild plant to the plant ready for sale. Wild plants - that is, perennials, annual and biennial herbaceous plants as well as wild shrubs or wild fruit trees are propagated and grown into plants ready for sale. Production is organic, i.e. without the use of poisons and peat in the substrates. After plants have been harvested in the wild, a so-called mother quarters are set up. This quarters will be harvested in the future to obtain seeds. The seeds, which are mostly harvested by hand over several ripening dates, are cleaned again before sowing. The plants are grown from this seed for sale or for the plant trade. Or they are used to create a new mother plant. Each plant produced in this way is always genetically unique due to seed propagation. There is no propagation through division, root cuttings or cuttings. This means that no cultivated varieties can be propagated, only the actual species that occur in nature. Book recommendations: My butterfly garden https://amzn.to/2Uf2woU My bee garden https://amzn.to/3czHsjj The plant rescuer: https://amzn.to/2NtsX6C Wild bees - The other bees https://amzn.to/2Y6VQdQ The new Kosmos butterfly guide https://amzn.to/3f0uAVh The BLV plant guide https://amzn.to/2XBZhtO The big BLV plant guide https://amzn.to/3dFEH1q Wild bees https://amzn.to/2A9LQbB Video contains advertising and product placements. The links are so-called affiliate links. If you buy something through them, we get a small part as commission. Of course, without you paying more for it.