In a house in Pančevo, where Vuk Jokanović lives with his family, I meet an incredible collection of uniforms that our army wore throughout the entire period of its transformation, from 1941 to 2000. Vuk Jokanović is a military man himself, now retired, and he believed that he should preserve from the oblivion of history all the periods that our country went through. Uniforms, caps, decorations, awards, documents - he collected them from the most incredible places. This is how he got to know the owners of the uniforms, and became friends with many of them. All this is placed in the basement of his family house - caps, ceremonial suits of many generals... Vuk Jokanović visits his exhibits every day, preserves them and protects them from moths and the oblivion of history. Vuk Jokanovic lives with his family in Pancevo and has an incredible collection of uniforms worn by our army throughout the entire period of its transformation, from 1941 to 2000. Vuk Jokanovic was a military man. Uniforms, hats, medals, awards, documents - gathered with the most amazing places. Vuk Jokanovic daily walks around their exhibits, preserves and protects them from moths and forgetting history.