In this video I show you how to make Minnie with the mouse couple mold produced by @simonemoldes Watch the video and see my entire new collection of molds • My new collection of molds produced... The molds will have a 10% discount on the official Simone website (during the 16th, 17th, 18th) Link to purchase the molds ' https://www.simonemoldes.com.br/secao... On Simone's website the shipping time is up to 15 days + post office time due to launch demand. But you can find the molds ready for delivery on the accredited websites which are: Mj Artesanatos http://www.mjartesanatos.com.br Faby Rodrigues http://www.fabyrodrigues.com.br (However, these sites do not have the 10% discount, ok). See other ideas with the molds from my collection: AULINHAS DA PAIXAO https://www.youtube.com/user/artepaix... APRENDENDO COM A VAN / @aprendendocomavan FEH BISCUIT / fêh biscuit ATELIÊ DA SELMINHA / ateliê da selminha PRIH GOMES / prihgomes19 JACK ARAÚJO / @jackaraujo9327 ALINE CAMPOS (IGTV INSTAGRAM) / channel HUGO RAFAEL https://www.instagram.com/tv/B9zxOpAl... FABI SIMONETTI (FACEBOOK PAGE) / fabisimonettidobrasil GABRIEL NUNES / hausofgabrielbiscuit 🔵Buy the products used in the video with my partners: ⚪Arte da Jackie🔹 https://artedajakie.iluria.com/cart-c... ⚪ Atelier cuteness of Rose 🔹 http://www.fofurasdarose.com.br/index... ⚪Iupiii biscuit🔹https://www.iupiiibiscuit.com.br/store/ ⚪Saramanil Colorants 🔹https://saramanil.com.br/ ⚪ BlueStar 🔹http://www.bluestarnet.com.br ⚪Polycol Masses ⚪Simone Moldes 🔹 https://www.simonemoldes.com.br #biscuit #siliconemold #simonemoldes #minnierosabiscuit #minnieconfeitera