Are there minimum dimensions for a guinea pig enclosure? Sometimes some pig lovers actually throw around realistic numbers. But do they always make sense? Because space alone is not everything. You can find out my opinion on minimum dimensions and how you can create more space despite a small floor space in this video. Also see what kind of treat there is for the guinea pigs this time. How did you like the video and what is your opinion on the topic? Please write everything in the comments. I am always very happy about likes too. Thank you very much. Best wishes, your Frank. ..................................................................................................... #guineapigenclosure #guineapigs #enclosureconstruction #outdoorenclosure #smallanimalenclosure #guineapigkeeping #guineapigs #guineapiggroup #gardenenclosure #guineapig #aheartforanimals #animalwelfare #animalsinneed #animalslookingforahome #animal #guineapigs